How To Grow Boxwood In Containers

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Hello, my name is Doug and in this is my home and garden development blog. On this blog, I will be passing on everything I have learnt about designing, building and maintaining your dream home and garden. And believe me, I know a lot. I am not a professional contractor, but I have spent the last 2 years working with a range of different contractors to develop my home and garden. The guys have done a fantastic job and I am really pleased with the results they have generated. I hope you find this blog useful and enjoyable to read.


How To Grow Boxwood In Containers

14 January 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Boxwood shrubs make great ornamental plants that can be grown in containers.  Boxwood is slow-growing, requires little maintenance, and looks green and lush all year round, making it a perfect addition to any patio or decking area.  Your local wholesale nursery like Din San Nursery will be able to supply you with different varieties of boxwood, as well as suitable pots and compost in which to grow the plants.  Read on to find out how to care for container-grown boxwood.

Planting boxwood in containers

Although boxwood is slow to grow, it should be planted in containers large enough to allow the roots plenty of room to grow and spread.  The pot you choose should be the same width as the height of the plant, or even a little wider if possible.  

The container should have a good number of drainage holes in the bottom so that the compost does not become waterlogged and 'drown' the plant.  Sit the container on wooden or clay pot 'feet' to allow for good drainage.

The best time of year to plant boxwood is in the spring so that it has plenty of time to become established before the winter months.  Use a fertile potting mix (obtainable from a garden centre or your plant wholesaler) and water thoroughly. 

Care of boxwood shrubs

Boxwood is pretty self-sufficient, making it an ideal ornamental plant if you don't have much time to spend gardening.  Just make sure that the compost is not allowed to dry out, and feed the plant with a proprietary liquid plant food in the spring and autumn.

Although the plant is pretty hardy, it's a good idea to protect the roots from very cold weather by mulching with woodchips before the winter and wrapping young plants in bubble wrap.  If you have snow during the winter months, be careful that you don't place your containers underneath eaves where falling snow could damage the plants.

After the winter, use sharp secateurs to remove any dead twigs from the boxwood and to tidy up any straggly bits that spoil the plant's shape.

There are a few insect pests to which boxwood is susceptible.  Spray your plants with the appropriate insecticide in the spring to kill off larvae and again in the autumn to get rid of any eggs that might be present in the plant's foliage.  Ask at your local garden centre for a suitable proprietary product that is boxwood-specific.

In conclusion

Boxwood is an easy to maintain evergreen shrub that looks great displayed in containers on a patio, decking area or as edging to a large border or bed.  Ask your local nursery for advice on which varieties of boxwood will grow best in your climate.